When conducting research on Indonesia start with pages 555-564 of the Historical Dictionary of East Indonesia (3rd edition). This will provide a good introduction to doing research on the country. For a good overview of the country see The Indonesia reader: history, culture, politics edited by Tineke Hellwig and Eric Tagliacozzo. For a book on the latest developments and a guide to the key issues and debates on Indonesia today see the Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia. 2018. For articles see the Leiden University catalog link and the database Bibliography of Asian Studies.

Historical Dictionary of Indonesia
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS633 .C75x 2015
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/9917119
Country: Indonesia
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on Indonesia. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 555-564) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 564-667).

Oxford, England ; Santa Barbara, Calif: Clio Press, 1994
Paper Copy: Paper Copy 1: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS615 .K73 1994 Note: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk. Paper Copy 2: Kroch Library Asia Z3271 .K728w 1994
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/9567886
Country: Indonesia
Here is an older (1994) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard sources of information covering a large range of topics:
Indonesia Book Chapter Bibliography
Heading: Union Catalog System Country: Indonesia
Leiden University Library Catalogue
Heading: Union Catalog System Country: Indonesia
Neliti – Indonesia’s Research Repository
Heading: Union Catalog System Country: Indonesia
Jump to country
Other Resources
Heading: Other Resources
Category: General Catalogs
Country: Indonesia
Heading: Other Resources
Category: General Catalogs
Country: Indonesia
Heading: Other Resources
Category: General Catalogs
Country: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines
Book Chapters
Passions and Devotion in Modern Javanese Novels
Book Title: Expressions of states of mind in Asia : proceedings of the INALCO-UNO workshop held in Naples, 27th May 2000
Book Author(s): edited by Paolo Santangelo
Call Number: BF531 .E86 2004
Country: Indonesia
Primivity, Animism and Psychoanalysis: European Visions of the Native ‘Soul’ in the Dutch East Indies, 1900-1949
Book Title: The transnational unconscious: essays in the history of psychoanalysis and transnationalism
Book Author(s): edited by Joy Damousi and Mariano Ben Plotkin
Call Number: BF173 .T625 2009
Country: Indonesia
The Nature of the Native Mind: Contested Views of Dutch Colonial Psychiatrists in the former Dutch East Indies
Book Title: Psychiatry and empire
Book Author(s): edited by Sloan Mahone and Megan Vaughan Call Number: BF175.4.S65 P76 2007
Call Number: BF175.4.S65 P76 2007
Country: Indonesia
New Books
Developments in modern theatre of Indonesia : generation, degeneration, and regeneration of a cultural medium
The wild child's desire : cinema, sexual politics, and the experimental nation in post-authoritarian Indonesia
Dari tempat kami berdiri : refleksi Humas Hubal Bawaslu Jabar pada pemilu, 2019
Birds of Mimika : an introduction to the lowland birds in the PT. Freeport Indonesia contract of work area, Mimika, Papua
Kebijakan pendidikan : analisis dinamika formulasi dan implementasi