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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Book Chapters

‘A Teaspoon of Sugar …’: Assessing the Sugar Content in Colonial Discourse in the Dutch East Indies, 1880 to 1914

‘Lesbians’, modernity and global translation : female sexualities in Indonesia

‘Mega’ Expectations: Indonesia’s Democratic Transition and First Female President

‘Primitive’ Tiger Hunters in Indonesia and Malaysia, 1800-1950

‘Agricultural Involution’ and ‘Deagrarianization’ in Rural Southeast Asia: A View from Case Studies in Indonesia

‘If there is no feeling—’: the dilemma between silence and coming out in a working-class butch/femme community in Jakarta

“Don’t write this” : researching provincial biographies in Indonesia

“Living in a different house” : a Gambuh Macbeth in Bali

“No problem”: reproductive tract infections in Indonesia

A Comparison of Brand Equity Elements for Conventional and Sharia Banks in Indonesia

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