When conducting research on East Timor see the recommended books listed here, especially pages 193-201 of the Historical Dictionary of East Timor. This will provide a good introduction to doing research on the country. For a book on the latest developments and a guide to the key issues and debates on East Timor today see the Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Timor-Leste. 2019. For articles see the database Bibliography of Asian Studies.

Historical Dictionary of East Timor
Geoffrey C. Gunn
Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2011
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS649.5 .G85 2011
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/13173950
Country: East Timor
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on East Timor. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 193-201) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 201-262).
Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2011
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS649.5 .G85 2011
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/13173950
Country: East Timor
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on East Timor. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 193-201) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 201-262).

Timor: including the islands of Roti and Ndao
Ian Rowland
Santa Barbara, Calif: Clio Press, 1992
Paper Copy: Paper Copy 1: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3277.T58 R88 Note: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk. Paper Copy 2: Library Annex Z3277.T58 R88
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/9894707
Country: East Timor
Here is an older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
Santa Barbara, Calif: Clio Press, 1992
Paper Copy: Paper Copy 1: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3277.T58 R88 Note: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk. Paper Copy 2: Library Annex Z3277.T58 R88
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/9894707
Country: East Timor
Here is an older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
East Timor Book Chapter Bibliography
Description: Chapters/articles about East Timor from edited volumes
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Other Resources
Southeast Asia Digital Library: East Timor
Description: Great source for links to information about East Timor
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Category: General Catalogs
Country: East Timor
Description: Great source for links to information about East Timor
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Category: General Catalogs
Country: East Timor
Southeast Asia visions : a collection of historic travel narratives
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Category: General Catalogs
Country: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines
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Category: General Catalogs
Country: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines
Timor-Leste Elections Web Archive
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Category: General Catalogs
Country: East Timor
Heading: Other Resources
Category: General Catalogs
Country: East Timor
Book Chapters
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