When conducting research on Vietnam see the recommended books listed here, including pages 455-462 of the Historical Dictionary of Vietnam (3rd edition). This will provide a good introduction to doing research on the country. For articles see database Bibliography of Asian Studies.

Historical Dictionary of Vietnam (3rd Edition)
Bruce M. Lockhart
Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 2 006
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS556.25 .D85 2006
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/10329440
Country: Vietnam
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on Vietnam. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 455-462) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 462-512).
Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 2 006
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS556.25 .D85 2006
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/10329440
Country: Vietnam
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on Vietnam. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 455-462) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 462-512).

David G. Marr
Oxford, England ; Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1992
Paper Copy: Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3226 .M36 Notes: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk.
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/4987907
Country: Vietnam
(World Bibliographical Series) Here is an older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
Oxford, England ; Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1992
Paper Copy: Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3226 .M36 Notes: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk.
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/4987907
Country: Vietnam
(World Bibliographical Series) Here is an older (1992) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
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