When conducting research on Thailand see the recommended books listed here, including pages 511-523 of the Historical Dictionary of Thailand (3rd edition). This will provide a good introduction to doing research on the country. For articles see especially the databases Journal Index (Thammasat University Libraries) and Thailand Theses and Journal Index.

Historical Dictionary of Thailand (3rd Edition)
Gerald W. Fry
Lanham, Md: The Scarecrow Press, 2013
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS571 .S578 2013
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/10329441
Country: Thailand
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on Thailand. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 511-523) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 523-659).
Lanham, Md: The Scarecrow Press, 2013
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS571 .S578 2013
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/10329441
Country: Thailand
Try this book for a good place to start when doing research on Thailand. Be certain to read the Introduction to the Bibliography (pages 511-523) and see the bibliography that follows (pages 523-659).

Thailand (World Bibliographical Series)
David Smyth
Oxford, England ; Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1998
Paper Copy: Paper Copy 1: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3236 .S65x 1998 Note: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk. Paper Copy 2: Kroch Library Asia Z3236 .S65x 1998
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/4991484
Country: Thailand
Here is an older (1998) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
Oxford, England ; Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1998
Paper Copy: Paper Copy 1: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) Z3236 .S65x 1998 Note: Shelved in dictionary stand by Asia desk. Paper Copy 2: Kroch Library Asia Z3236 .S65x 1998
Online Copy: https://catalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/4991484
Country: Thailand
Here is an older (1998) but useful research book containing annotated title listings of major and standard information sources covering a large number of topics.
Thailand Theses and Journal Index (Chulalongkorn University)
Description: Chulalongkorn University Library Information Network
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