
Islam in Southeast Asia v. 1-4
Joseph Chinyong Liow; Nadirsyah Hosen
London; New York: Routledge, 2010
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) BP63.A38 I86 2010
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Country: General Southeast Asia
London; New York: Routledge, 2010
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) BP63.A38 I86 2010
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Country: General Southeast Asia

Politics of modern Southeast Asia: critical issues in modern politics
Allen Hicken
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge, 2012
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS526.7 .P655 2010 (v. 1-4)
Online Copy:
Country: General Southeast Asia
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge, 2012
Paper Copy: Kroch Library Asia Reference (Non-Circulating) DS526.7 .P655 2010 (v. 1-4)
Online Copy:
Country: General Southeast Asia
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Book Chapters
Climate Change and Religion in Southeast Asia: Steps Towards Evolutionary Learning
Chapter Author(s): Arthur Saniotis
Book Title: Faith in the future : understanding the revitalization of religions and cultural traditions in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Thomas Reuter, Alexander Horstmann
Call Number: BL1033 .F35 2013
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BL-BX: Religion
Book Title: Faith in the future : understanding the revitalization of religions and cultural traditions in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Thomas Reuter, Alexander Horstmann
Call Number: BL1033 .F35 2013
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BL-BX: Religion
Global Media and the Myths of Humanitarian Relief: The Case of the 2004 Tsunami
Chapter Author(s): Rony Brauman
Book Title: Humanitarianism and suffering: the mobilization of empathy
Book Author(s): edited by Richard Ashby Wilson, Richard D. Brown
Call Number: BJ1475.3 .H86 2009
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BJ: Ethics
Book Title: Humanitarianism and suffering: the mobilization of empathy
Book Author(s): edited by Richard Ashby Wilson, Richard D. Brown
Call Number: BJ1475.3 .H86 2009
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BJ: Ethics
The mental health impact of the Southeast Asia tsunami
Chapter Author(s): Barbara Lopes Cardozo
Book Title: Mental health and disasters
Book Author(s): edited by Yuval Neria, Sandro Galea, Fran H. Norris
Call Number: BF789.D5 M46 2009 +
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BF: Psychology
Book Title: Mental health and disasters
Book Author(s): edited by Yuval Neria, Sandro Galea, Fran H. Norris
Call Number: BF789.D5 M46 2009 +
Country: General Southeast Asia
Subject: BF: Psychology
New Books
More is not better : the efficacy of the health belief model in explaining and predicting health behavior among a sample of Southeast Asians in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ratu kain : satu rumpun, satu warisan = One root, one heritage
School health care and nutrition in primary schools in Southeast Asia : policies, programs, and good practices
Punnakaip pu:kkal : nhakaiccuvai nhu:l
Postcolonial memory in the Netherlands : meaningful voices, meaningful silences