‘Dig a hole and bury the past in it’: reconciliation and the heritage of genocide in Cambodia
Chapter Author(s): Colin Long and Keir Reeves
Book Title: Places of pain and shame: dealing with ’difficult heritage’
Book Author(s): edited by William Logan and Keir Reeves
Call Number: CC135 .P59 2009
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Places of pain and shame: dealing with ’difficult heritage’
Book Author(s): edited by William Logan and Keir Reeves
Call Number: CC135 .P59 2009
Country: Cambodia
A baby is born in Site 2 Camp: pregnancy, birth and confinement among Cambodian refugee women
Chapter Author(s): Kimberley Townsend and Pranee Liamputtong Rice
Book Title: Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies
Book Author(s): edited by Pranee Liampultong Rice and Lenore Manderson
Call Number: RG525 .M3455 2016
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies
Book Author(s): edited by Pranee Liampultong Rice and Lenore Manderson
Call Number: RG525 .M3455 2016
Country: Cambodia
A limited amnesty? Insights from Cambodia
Chapter Author(s): Ronald C. Sly
Book Title: Amnesty in the age of human rights accountability: comparative and international perspectives
Book Author(s): edited by Francesca Lessa, Leigh A. Payne
Call Number: K5132 .A46 2012
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Amnesty in the age of human rights accountability: comparative and international perspectives
Book Author(s): edited by Francesca Lessa, Leigh A. Payne
Call Number: K5132 .A46 2012
Country: Cambodia
Access to Natural Resources: Case Studies of Cambodian Hill Tribes
Chapter Author(s): John P. McAndrew and Oeur Il
Book Title: Land and cultural survival : the communal land rights of indigenous peoples in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Jayantha Perera
Call Number: LC94.A2 E376 2008
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Land and cultural survival : the communal land rights of indigenous peoples in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Jayantha Perera
Call Number: LC94.A2 E376 2008
Country: Cambodia
Accounting Environment in Cambodia
Chapter Author(s): P.W. Senarath Yapa, Kerry Jacobs, and C.B. Chan
Book Title: Routledge handbook of accounting in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Zhijun Lin
Call Number: HF5616.A78 R68 2018
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Routledge handbook of accounting in Asia
Book Author(s): edited by Zhijun Lin
Call Number: HF5616.A78 R68 2018
Country: Cambodia
After Pol Pot: Cambodia and the Building of a New Stupa
Chapter Author(s): John Amos Marston
Book Title: Buddhism, modernity, and the state in Asia : forms of engagement
Book Author(s): edited by John Whalen-Bridge and Pattana Kitiarsa
Call Number: BQ4570.S7 B83 2013
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Buddhism, modernity, and the state in Asia : forms of engagement
Book Author(s): edited by John Whalen-Bridge and Pattana Kitiarsa
Call Number: BQ4570.S7 B83 2013
Country: Cambodia
Agents at Angkor
Chapter Author(s): Lain Hart
Book Title: Re-presenting disability : activism and agency in the museum
Book Author(s): edited by Richard Sandell, Jocelyn Dodd, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson
Call Number: AM7 .R395 2010
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Re-presenting disability : activism and agency in the museum
Book Author(s): edited by Richard Sandell, Jocelyn Dodd, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson
Call Number: AM7 .R395 2010
Country: Cambodia
An Awakening in Cambodia: From Failed State to a Media Rich Society
Chapter Author(s): Drew McDaniel
Book Title: Negotiating democracy: media tranformations in emerging democracies
Book Author(s): edited by Isaac A. Blankson and Patrick D. Murphy
Call Number: HM1206 .N44 2007
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Negotiating democracy: media tranformations in emerging democracies
Book Author(s): edited by Isaac A. Blankson and Patrick D. Murphy
Call Number: HM1206 .N44 2007
Country: Cambodia
Angkor revisited: the state of statuary
Chapter Author(s): Ashley Thompson
Book Title: What’s the use of art?: Asian visual and material culture in context
Book Author(s): Jan Mrázek and Morgan Pitelka, editors
Call Number: NK1037 .W43 2008
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: What’s the use of art?: Asian visual and material culture in context
Book Author(s): Jan Mrázek and Morgan Pitelka, editors
Call Number: NK1037 .W43 2008
Country: Cambodia
Anthropology and child psychiatry: the Cambodian case
Chapter Author(s): Maurice Eisenbruch
Book Title: Culture and conflict in child and adolescent mental health
Book Author(s): [edited by] M. Elena Garralda and Jean-Philippe Raynaud
Call Number: RJ499 .C855 2008
Country: Cambodia
Book Title: Culture and conflict in child and adolescent mental health
Book Author(s): [edited by] M. Elena Garralda and Jean-Philippe Raynaud
Call Number: RJ499 .C855 2008
Country: Cambodia