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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国外交部

Philippine and Taiwanese legal mediation

Mediating contemporary, severe multicultural and religious conflicts in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand (Philippines)

Mediating contemporary, severe multicultural and religious conflicts in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand

Southern Philippines: the ongoing saga of Moro separatism

Governance in the Philippine Third Sector: Highlights from the country study

US-Philippines ‘Special Relations’ Revived? National Borders and the War Against Terror

Waltzing with Goliath: Philippines-China engagement in uncharted waters

Identities in a Culture of Circulation: Performing Selves in Filipina Migration

Migrant mothers and left-behind families : the rituals of communication and the reconstitution of familyhood across transnational space and time (Phillippines)