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Producing a national boundary at the margin of the state: A case from Sarawak, East Malaysia

Fight back through Facebook : retaliating against local gossip and creating new identities

‘I am different only in name’ Migration, marginalization and counter-strategies in an Indonesian immigrant community in Malaysia

Producing irregularity, constructing illegality, deporting migrants: The case of Malaysia

From nation to networks and back again: transnationalism, class and national identity in Malaysia

Indigenous Peoples, Displacement Through ‘Development’ and Rights Violations: The Case of the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia

Trafficking human subjects in the Malay world, 1850-1910 (Malaysia)

Struggling with (il)legality: the indeterminate functioning of Malaysia’s borders for asylum seekers, refugees, and stateless persons

Violence, subversion, and creativity in the Thai-Malaysian borderland

Violence, subversion, and creativity in the Thai-Malaysian borderland (Malaysia)