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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Laos : ethnolinguistic diversity and disadvantage

Narrative Ethics: The Excess of Giving and Moral Ambiguity in the Lao Vessantara-Jataka

The Indianization and localization of textual imaginaries : Theravada Buddhist statecraft in mainland Southeast Asia and Laos in the context of civilizational analysis

Text and transnational subjectification: media’s challenge to anthropology

Aging and dying in a rural lowland area of Laos : a consideration of the process of creating a good death together

Banking on the People: The Creation of General Rural Credit in Indonesia

Creating Knowledge: Scientific Knowledge and Local Adoption in Rice-integrated Pest Management (A Case Study from Subang, West Java, Indonesia)

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: The Dilemma of Applied Anthropology (Two Case Studies from Southeastern Indonesia)

The ambivalence of the ancestors: interpreting the rite and Tu Dheu in Paule based on the scapegot theory of René Girard

Material Resources of the Historical Imagination: Documents and the Future of the Past in Post-Suharto Indonesia