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Kroch Library Asia Collections

Olin: Open until 6pm - Full Hours /

Deconstructing the Diaspora: The Construction of Chinese-Indonesian Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia

The State and the Historians in the Construction of Nationalist Historical Discourse in Indonesia and the Philippines: A Preliminary Consideration

Spectacular atrocities : making enemies during the 1965-1966 massacres in Indonesia

Mental Maps of Modernity in Colonial Indochina during World War II: Mobilizing Sport to Combat Threats to French Rule

Japan in British regional policy towards South-East Asia, 1945-1960

China and Southeast Asia : an economic perspective

Wither China’s Agriculture and Rural Sector? Some Thoughts on Changes in Rural China and Possible Effects on ASEAN

China’s Changing Relations with Southeast Asia: A Political Analysis

Austronesian Diaspora and Its Impact in Island Southeast Asia and Oceania

Muslim South East Asia and the Middle East