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Ethnic and Religious Affairs of Hebei Province, 河北省民族宗教事务厅

Tianjin Ethnic and Religious Commission, 天津市民族宗教事务局

State Administration for Religious Affairs of P.R.C, 国家宗教事务局

Beijing Ethnic and Religious Commission, 北京市民族宗教事务局

Accommodating relationships : the Church and state in Singapore

Legal pluralism, patronage secularism, and the challenge of prophetic Christianity in Singapore

Principled pluralism, relational constitutionalism and regulating religion within Singapore’s secular democratic model

‘Merchandizing’ Hinduism: Commodities, Market and Possibilities of Enchantment

McDonaldization of the Megachurches: A Case Study of Singapore’s City Harvest Church

Em-body-ing Theology: Theological Reflections on the Experience of Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong