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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Mediating contemporary, severe multicultural and religious conflicts in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand

Southern Philippines: the ongoing saga of Moro separatism

Governance in the Philippine Third Sector: Highlights from the country study

US-Philippines ‘Special Relations’ Revived? National Borders and the War Against Terror

Waltzing with Goliath: Philippines-China engagement in uncharted waters

Identities in a Culture of Circulation: Performing Selves in Filipina Migration

Migrant mothers and left-behind families : the rituals of communication and the reconstitution of familyhood across transnational space and time (Phillippines)

Promoting knowledge transfer activities through diaspora networks: a pilot study on the Philippines

Is there a transnation? Migrancy and the national homeland among overseas Filipinos

Class, Migration, and Identity in a Philippine Village