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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Life writing and the making of companionable objects : reflections on Sunaryo’s Titik Nadir

Insular models of technical change: Sumatra, Nias and Siberut (Indonesia)

The application of Darwinian cultural evolutionary theory to ceramics : the case of “soft pottery” from Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Postcolonial shame: heritage and the forgotten pain of civilian women internees in Java

Save Borobudur! The Moral Dynamics of Heritage Formation in Indonesia across Orders and Borders, 1930s-1980s

Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Human Rights in Indonesia: The Challenges of an Emerging Democratic Society

Middle Class Interests and Labour Relations in India and Indonesia with some notes on East-West Parallels

Mary, Mother of All: Finding Faith at the Sacred Source of Sendangsono, Indonesia

Evangelicals and politics in Indonesia: the case of Surakarta

Singing yourself into existence : Chinese Indonesian entrepreneurs, Pentecostal-charismatic Christianity and the Indonesian nation state