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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Socio-cultural identities of people on an Eastern Indonesian island: a case study of Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

The Question of Nationalism and Local Identity: Decentralization in Bali

From Jakon to Pujakesuma: Cultural Identity of Javanese in North Sumatera

Constructing Dayak Identities: The Pan-Dayak and The Ulu Padas

After Colonialism: Making Identities

Rereading Japanese popular culture in the context of the Japanese empire in Indonesia

The Religious and Ideological Conception of Monarchical Power as an Object of Systematic Description (Concerning the Study of Nusantara Monarchies, the Seventh to Fifteenth Century A.D.)

What do they want, and how can we respond? : Commonwealth intelligence and confrontation with Indonesia, 1963

Writing lives in exile : autobiographies of the Indonesian left abroad

“Don’t write this” : researching provincial biographies in Indonesia