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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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The failure of state ideology in Indonesia : the rise and demise of Pancasila

On the Value of the Beast or the Limit of Money: Notes on the Meaning of Marriage Prestations among the Ngadha, Central Flores (Indonesia)

Achieving Unity in Extreme Diversity? Social Cohesion in Indonesia

Do General Beliefs Predict Specific Behavioral Intentions in Indonesia? The Role of Social Axioms within the Theory of Planned Behavior

West Papua : civil resistance framing and identity, 1920s-2012

Reclaiming Customary Forest Rights: Forestry Policy and Masyarakat Adat in Post-Suharto Indonesia

‘Agricultural Involution’ and ‘Deagrarianization’ in Rural Southeast Asia: A View from Case Studies in Indonesia

Horizontal Inequality and Communal Violence: Evidence from Indonesian Districts

Evolving Patterns of Legislative Oversight in Indonesia

Budget Accountability and Legislative Oversight in Transition: The Case of Post-Suharto Indonesia