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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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Democratization and religious NGOs in Indonesia

The ‘Malaysian orphans’ of Lombok: children and young people’s livelihood responses to out-migration in eastern Indonesia

Jakarta – Dynamics of Change and Livability

Improving Vulnerable Urban Space in Postdisaster in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia: Participatory and Comprehensive Approach

Community Empowerment Program on the Revitalization of Kotagede Heritage District, Indonesia Post Earthquake

Problems and prospects for sustainable regeneration of traditional markets in Yogyakarta City

Governing urban development in dualistic societies: a case study of the urban region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Transient Civic Spaces in Jakarta Demopolis

Kampung spaces and the future of Indonesian urbanism: reflections from Jogjakarta

Women’s ways of walking: gender and urban space in Java