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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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From Marsinah to Munir: Grounding Human Rights in Indonesia

The failure of international justice in East Timor and Indonesia (Indonesia)

Building a monument : intimate politics of “reconciliation” in post-1965 Bali

Indonesia : economic crisis, foreign pressure, and regime change

Boundaries of Race: Representations of Indisch in Colonial Indonesia Revisited

The Pyrrhic Victory of Unitary Statehood: A Comparative Analysis of the Failed Federal Experiments in Ethiopia and Indonesia

A female leader in executive service : the case of Mayor Risma of Surabaya

The growth of ethno-nationalist and communal violence in post-militarist Indonesia

Violences environnementales jeux de pouvoir et d’interets autour des espaces forestiers

La Deforestation recente a Java (Indonesie) Bilan, facteurs et consequences environnementales