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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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The disappearing of a world religion: reflections on ancestor religion, dualism, and the deeper significance of the Austronesian approach to life

Female roles in pre-colonial Southeast Asia

Scenarios as boundary objects in the allocation of water resources and services in the Mekong region

The Mekong: Developing a New Tourism Region

The role of tourism in transition economies of the Great Mekong Sub-region

The Sino-American Entente of 1978-9 and Its ‘Baptism of Fire’ in Indochina

Mental Maps of Modernity in Colonial Indochina during World War II: Mobilizing Sport to Combat Threats to French Rule

Japan in British regional policy towards South-East Asia, 1945-1960

China and Southeast Asia : an economic perspective

Wither China’s Agriculture and Rural Sector? Some Thoughts on Changes in Rural China and Possible Effects on ASEAN