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Kroch Library Asia Collections

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The Persistence of Armed Muslim Rebellion in Southeast Asia: Implications after September 11

Southeast Asia after September 11

The social organization of terror in Southeast Asia: the case of Jemaah Islamiyah

Researching militant groups in Southeast Asia

Hanging together, institutional design and cooperation in Southeast Asia: AFTA and the ARF

The Livability of Mega-Urban Regions in Southeast Asia – Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta and Manila Compared

Sustainable ‘world class’ cities and glocal sprawl in Southeast Asian metropolitans

Coastal cities in an age of transition: upstream-downstream networking and societal development in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century maritime Southeast Asia

A Feminist Reclaiming of the Mother’s Womb: Beyond Pro-life/Pro-choice Rhetoric on the Body, Subjectivity and Reproduction Control

More Than Just an Exchange of Fluids: Southeast Asian Prostitutes and the Western Sexual Economy