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School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University 重庆大学建筑城规学院

School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University 同济大学建筑系

Urban Planning and Architectural Design Institute of Fudan University 上海复旦规划建筑设计研究所

Tianjin Architecture Design Institute 天津市建筑设计院

Tongji University Architecture Design Institute 同济大学建筑设计研究院

The Design Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture of DUT 大连理工大学土木建筑设计研究院

The Institute of Architecture Design and Research, Shenzhen University 深圳大学建筑设计研究所

The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Henan Province 河南省建筑设计研究院