About the Collection
The beginnings of the Cornell University Library’s collections on the Near East, like the beginnings of the Library itself, predate the October 8, 1868, opening of the University. Two years earlier, in the Report of the Committee on Organization, October 21, 1866 (Albany, 1867), Andrew D. White had discussed in thoughtful detail aims and methods for the formation of a library for the proposed university. The methods included the submission of booklists by faculty members, the checking of publishers’ and booksellers’ catalogs, and “the purchase wholly, or in part, of carefully gathered special collections of private individuals.”
New Books
Likha rondalya : original works and arrangements for rondalla
Looking West : the rise of Asia in the Middle East
Chūtō hyakunen funsō : Paresuchina to shūkyō nashonarizumu
Sejarah Timur Tengah : (Asia Barat Daya)
The transnationality of the secular : travelling ideas and shared practices of secularism in decolonising South and Southeast Asia